Hibbeler I have the following solutions manuals & test banks. You can contact me at If the title you are looking for is not listed, do not hesitate to contact me, please send the email with the publisher and ISBN to me,then I can help u to find it. Please use Control F (CTRL F) to find the book you are looking for by title, author,We have the comprehensive SOLUTIONS MANUAL (answer key) for ALL of the following US & International textbooks and TEST BANKS for MOST of them in electronic format (PDF/Word). The solutions manual are comprehensive with answers to both even & odd problems in the text.
The test bank contains practice exam and quiz questions and answers. Click it, it has the list! I have the following solutions manuals & test banks. You can contact me atsmcollector@gmail.comIf the title you are looking for is not listed, do not hesitate to contact me, please send the email with the publisher and ISBN to me,then I can help u to find it.thanksPlease use Control F (CTRL F) to find the book you are looking for by title, authorWe have the comprehensive SOLUTIONS MANUAL (answer key) for ALL of the following US & International textbooks and TEST BANKS for MOST of them in electronic format (PDF/Word).
The solutions manual are comprehensive with answers to both even & odd problems in the text. The test bank contains practice exam and quiz questions andanswers.
I have the following solutions manuals & test banks. You can contact me atsmcollector@gmail.comIf the title you are looking for is not listed, do not hesitate to contact me, please send the email with the publisher and ISBN to me,then I can help u to find it.thanksPlease use Control F (CTRL F) to find the book you are looking for by title, authorWe have the comprehensive SOLUTIONS MANUAL (answer key) for ALL of the following US & International textbooks and TEST BANKS for MOST of them in electronic format (PDF/Word). The solutions manual are comprehensive with answers to both even & odd problems in the text. The test bank contains practice exam and quiz questions andanswers.